Lara Croft Tomb Raider is an iconic game series that has captivated the hearts and minds of video game and action/adventure junkies since its original release in 1996. Developed by Core Design, this action-packed adventure game has been applauded for decades for its groundbreaking combination of action, puzzle-solving, and exploration elements.
Lara Croft is a globe-trotting archaeologist with an unyielding sense of exploration and each title in the series sees the heroine face off against various conspiracies, villains, and menacing supernatural creatures. The series also features various brilliant setpieces and uses music to help set the tone and pace for each title.
Over the years, the Lara Croft series has evolved dramatically, now offering modern art direction with improved next-gen graphics, in addition to tons of stealth and gun mechanics. This combination of elements makes for some truly engaging combat, bosses and puzzles.
From its early beginnings in 1996, Lara Croft Tomb Raider has continued to evolve and remain popular as a video game franchise, offering something for all kinds of action/adventure gaming lovers. Now considered the pinnacle of action/adventure gaming, Lara Croft Tomb Raider is surely one of the best games ever to be produced.
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