God comes first in everything. This is a life-long principle that many successful people take the time to uphold and pray over. Through believing in God and trusting in his plan and Word, we can have greater fulfillment and joy in our lives than ever before. When we put God first in everything, it leads to our first priority being to honor and obey him. We can be sure that everything we do will be done with right motives and with respect for God’s authority. We will live our lives in a way that brings honor to him. This can involve studying his Word, which should be the light that shines on our decisions and actions. This type of submission to God leads to greater contentment in our lives as we seek his guidance.
Not only does God come first in everything, but we can also enjoy the life he gave by helping others and having good times with other people. We are meant to love each other and take part in healthy community life. This can include volunteering in our local community, giving to a charity, or being a mentor or role model. As we give to others, we can receive great satisfaction.
We can also receive great joy and happiness in our lives by having a good time with other people. Whether it’s through participating in sports or going for an outing or simply gathering for dinner, connecting with other people and enjoying life brings more vibrancy and meaning into our lives.
The combination of God’s guidance and a joy-filled life makes for a beautiful and satisfying time here on earth. After we take the time to put God first in everything, it will lead to the enjoyment of life. With the right priorities in place, we can be sure that our lives are filled with more meaning and peace than ever before.